Ryan Ramsey

I am a writer, chaplain, and advocate exploring the topics of vocational integrity, the North American church, and healing from religious abuse.


I’ve spent the last fifteen years in some form of ministry. In addition to writing and soul care, I currently serve in healthcare where I provide whole person care to staff in the outpatient setting. Some of my background prior to this includes:


  • Hospice chaplaincy

  • Associate pastor

  • Pastoral care director

  • Church planting as a non-staff elder

  • Seminary (M. Div., Denver Seminary)

  • Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE)



Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy (ISTT)


Somatic Attachment Therapy (SAT)


Fleeing Tarshish

I am an ex-pastor fleeing “Tarshish”—the exotic land of religious careerism and exploitation. This ongoing phenomenon was renounced by the late author and pastor Eugene Peterson in his prophetic exploration of the book of Jonah, Under the Unpredictable Plant.

Every few days or so another pastor gets out of bed and says, ‘That’s it. I quit. I refuse to be branch manager any longer in a religious warehouse outlet. I will no longer spend my life marketing God to religious consumers. I have just read over the job description the culture handed me and I am buying it no longer.’ Every few days another Jonah, realizing that his or her vocational disobedience is endangering everyone else, that this careerist professionalism is in large part responsible for the wicked character of American religion, says ‘take me up and throw me into the sea.’
— Eugene Peterson

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